Wednesday, October 14, 2009

U.K Winter Sun From BrownMe

As we make our way into cooler temperatures and shorter days, that doesn’t necessarily mean we have to sport “Twilight” pale skin quite yet (though the vamp look is so in now, right?). For those of us who want to maintain a rich bronze glow without looking like a carrot — Xen-Tan self tanner is the perfect option.

Xen-Tan Mousse Intense
In addition to developing into a rich, natural glow sans streaks, Xen-Tan passed our discerning sniffer test with flying colors. The product has a light vanilla scent that dissipates quickly after application, so it doesn’t compete with other scents you may wear. The colour itself lasts well, and we found that reapplying after four days was the ideal time to maintain the rich glow, though the product literature says it may last up to a week.

As for application, be sure to wear gloves. The instructions advise you to wash your hands thoroughly after rubbing in the lotion, but we found that the color was just too strong to fully come off with a strong washing, leaving our palms a little too olive for our liking. When we used plastic gloves the next go-around (you can buy them at any drugstore), there was no problem, and we simply dabbed a bit of product on the back of our hands after removing them. Since Xen-Tan has a rich formula, you need to wait about five minutes before dressing in order to make sure the product is fully soaked in. But once it is, in two to three hours, you’ll be beautifully bronzed.

Xen-Tan products are available as lotions, spray mists and mousses. You can purchase them online at

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