Monday, October 19, 2009

Online Self Tan Purchasing Increases Again

Today 12:15hrs London: has reported a further increase in growth as its number of purchases during week commencing 12th October 2009 doubled. It is fair to say that the customer service and the feedback given by the BrownMe team on Twitter,
Facebook or through direct email is second to none and this is paying dividends. BrownMe has been cleverly positioned and is on the lips of every fashionable teen and twenty something. Brown Me offer enticing incentives and large reductions on its plethora of products. It is sure to gain yet more interest as word travels between other self tan users. For a relatively new venture, gaining customer confidence has
been a simple step.

Today a Brown Me Ltd representative added ‘of course it is great that we are increasing sales and this of course is our main objective. The more sales, the greater our prices can be discounted and the better we can operate for our customers. The real underlying success story here is the more new customers we create, the less likely they are to use sun beds’.

Though this industry seems like a new one, it has actually been around for a number of years and it hasn’t really had a niche player that was focused directly on ‘just’ self tan delivery to consumers through the internet. A DHA based tan looks very similar in colour to a standard brown UV based suntan. But you are able to achieve the equivalent colour, of many hours of intense UV exposure, in a single product
application. The products are called ‘sunless’ because they do not utilize UV or sun exposure to create the tanned colour. Many lighter skin types find they can get much darker with a DHA based sunless tanner, then they can with UV exposure.

Nobody would dispute that BrownMe is one of those names that puts a smile on your face! It seems that brand name catchiness and service delivery works for the self tan users out there and with the products leaving the shelves in the high street ready for the winter selection, BrownMe should be a hit for those that prefer a winter sun look and cannot get what they like to use in store any longer. Why go out when you can order from work on your lunch break or from home knowing you’ll be getting your packet or parcel delivered direct to your hand recorded delivery?

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